5 Jul 2009

RWS or TV? You decide...

I'm in quite a prediciment at the moment. I really want to model both the RWS and the TV series. Whilst saying RWS, it'll be based on Illustrations and not on prototype, making it very different to the excellent work Knuckles does.

I'm making a model of Crovan's Gate, but I don't know what to do. RWS, or TV series? I'm 50:50 on it, so I would like it if you guys could help me out balance one idea so I can start painting the stock.


Michael Melton said...

I have been on that path before. When I started collecting RWS books, I got all into Thomas' branchline and I am sure you remember me making Thomas from MTF. I eventually chose TV Series, because it is harder (for me) to modify locos. I also didn't want to buy tons of new engines. Hope this helps. I say do both if you can or if you want to. Your rolling stock can be both for sure.

Churchill8F said...

Thanks Michael,

Loco wise, I think i've cracked it.

2 bodies for 1 loco. Should work well.